Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Treasure of Jesus by Steven Curtis Chapman

I love this song, which goes along
with a past Theme from L2L.

Here are the lyrics, and I posted the  link to hear it below.  

What can I do
How can I live
To show my world
The treasure of Jesus

What will it take
What could I give
So they can know
The treasure He is

And if I can sing
Let my songs be full of His glory
If I can speak
Let my words be full of His grace

And if I should live or die
Let me be found pursuing this prize
The One that alone satisfies
The treasure of Jesus


Source:  Dayspring.com

Monday, April 29, 2019

The Anchor Holds

My Hope is Built on Nothing less
Than Jesus' Love and Righteousness!

In every high and stormy gale: 
My anchor holds within the vale...

God does not promise that there will be no Storms,
 no discouragement,

He did promise that when these times come, 

He will give us an Anchor…