Friday, April 24, 2015

Will Your Anchor Drift, or Firm Remain?

     At the 2015 Convention, I led a hymn for the very first time.

 I stood behind the podium.

 It would have been better if I had just stood in front of the podium.

  I was too short to be seen, except for my head.

I chose "We Have an Anchor" for my
song to lead

     I thought I did an "OK" job of it, but I forgot to tell everyone to sing verses 1 and 3.  

Everyone makes mistakes.  

There was this one boy who was WAY better than all the rest of us!  He could really LEAD SONGS! 
His arm motions were really big, and he had the whole song memorized!  He looked up the entire time. 

 He won First Place, and I was glad.  I went up and met him after the competition, and shook his hand. 

 I knew he had won.  I am not sure that he did, though.

 this is Me Behind the big podium
      I learned more about song leading at the competition than all of my practice learning.  

You get nervous with all those people in that room.  

I did practice, but I think I needed more practice.  

 I noticed that one boy got REALLY nervous and he could hardly begin.  There was another boy who was doing really well, and he suddenly got a funny look on his face, stopped, and ran out of the room.  I think he got sick.  

That's what ANXIETY can do to someone.

     I'm glad I did not have THAT much anxiety while leading my song.  But I do have other anxieties, like a fear of thunderstorms, and hornets.  

Funny how my song talked about the "anchor that holds in the storms of life."  That is really true.  

When the fears come, my Anchor is 
"grounded firm and deep in the Savior's love."


"Anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down,

But a good word makes it glad."

Proverbs 12:25

This year, I am going to practice a lot 

more for the Song Leading event, and get in front of

 a group more often, so I don't get 

so nervous next year.

  I also want to practice the keeping

 of time with my hand motions

so they are natural and not 

awkward to me. 

All of this is working to make me a better leader, more

committed, and stronger in the Church.  

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

My First Good Samaritan Act

     A crazy thing happened when we were about to leave the Convention this year.  Just when we were pulling out to go home, a man came up to our Truck.   He told my father that his car battery was dead, and asked if we could help.  And what do you know, my Dad had a jumper cable in his Truck! 

    Then my Dad and I opened both hoods, and we hitched both batteries together to charge the man's battery up.   The man was very grateful!  

     The Good Deed was done, and off we went, on our long journey home.  

We caravaned with our friends from -
church for awhile,
until we got to the Golden Corral,
where we ate lunch.
After that, we broke off from the group
and set off for home. 

"Do not neglect to do good, 
and to share what you have, 
for such sacrifices are 
pleasing to God."

Hebrews 13:16

Monday, April 13, 2015

A Different Kind of Treasure


I am glad you are reading my blog.  

Our Theme this year is "Treasure"and I want you to know that I treasure my time in Lads to Leaders (L2L).

I treasure (or value) my friends in L2L.

I love my mentors in L2L. 

All of these are "gems" and precious things to me. 

Source:  My Mom's Blackboard

I saw this Statement (below) on the Lads to Leaders Blog Web site,

 and I wanted to add it to my blog 

because I set some BIG goals this year in Lads to Leaders.   

"Are You A Winner?

 Every student who sets worthy goals is a winner..."

  - Roy Johnson

For 2015/2016, I signed up for 10 events.  

That is HUGE.  

This is only my second year in L2L, but I was so interested in so many things, my parents said I could do it if I promised to complete one event or item per month.  

I said I would promise. 

 So my year is going to be BUSY!   

I plan to be a "Winner," even if I don't win a single ribbon.  

My Art Class

"Are You A Winner?

 Every student who sets worthy goals is a winner.

Every student who starts excelling for the Lord is a winner.

 Every student who studies the Bible is a winner.

Every student who memorizes Scripture is a winner.

 Every student who learns the importance of serving others is a winner.

Every student who becomes a Self Starter is a winner.

Every student who stretches beyond their comfort zone is a winner.

 Every student who becomes “Firmly Grounded” is a winner."

 - Roy Johnson, Executive Director, Lads to Leaders

I helped my parents paint our Living Room this Week

What about you?  Are You A Winner?